Monday, August 3, 2009

Public meeting to review Central/Camelback park-and-ride expansion

A public meeting is scheduled to review and receive feedback on the design of the Central/Camelback park-and-ride expansion. Neighboring stakeholders are encouraged to attend to see the latest plans and talk with city of Phoenix and METRO staff.

The proposed park-and-ride expansion would extend west to 7th Ave. from the existing 135-spaced parking lot on the southwest corner of Central Ave. and Camelback Rd. The current design calls for the additional space to provide 165 – 175 more parking spaces and be entirely shaded using shade canopies.

This project is funded through American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds provided to the city of Phoenix. It is scheduled for completion by summer of 2010.

Meeting date and location:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
6 – 7:30 p.m.; presentation begins at 6:30 p.m.
Central High School Library
4525 N. Central Ave.

Those unable to attend the meeting but would like to have their comments heard or be added to the list to receive further communication may contact Gary Flunoy at (602) 322-4457 or

Source: Metro Light Rail

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