The community dialogue will be held on March 6th from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm at PhoenixCity Hall with the primary purpose being to develop a vision or visions for Phoenix by answering the question “Where do we want to go?” This would be followed by a second workshop in May that focuses on the question “How do we get there?” The second workshop will allow participants to develop action items based upon the visions created at the first workshop.
We won’t be able to make progress on either of these questions without active participation from people who care about the future of Phoenix. Could this be you?
If you would like to be help chart the course of Phoenix for up to the next 50 years, please send you name and contact information to Carol Johnson, Planning Manager, at carol.johnson@phoenix.gov. Space is limited to the first 120 people who respond, and the deadline is Wednesday, February 24th. You will receive confirmation of your attendance by Friday, February 26th. Please contact Carol Johnson at 602-261-8289, if you have any questions.
IMPORTANT - When you respond, please let us know which 3 visions in the table below are most interesting to you. These statements were developed by looking at the feedback from the village visioning meetings in October and November, and identifying which words or phrases were mentioned most often. There will be individual discussion groups devoted to 12 of these visions areas, and your choices will help us determine which areas are addressed. We will make our best efforts to assign you to a group discussing one of your top 3 vision areas.
Strong Community Identity
Dense City Core(s)
Superior Governance
Top Education
High Safety
Strong Neighborhoods
Strong Businesses
Smart Government
Innovative Education
Technology Leader
High Economic Diversity
High Employment Opportunities
Enhanced Roads/Highways
Comprehensive Mass Transit
Exemplary Water/Canal Use
Abundant Alternative Transit
Green Development
Strong Airport(s)
High Open Space
Low Pollution
Abundant Alternative Energy
Responsible Water Use
High Vegetation
Sustainability Planning
Thank you for your interest in making Phoenix the best it can be!
Source: City of Phoenix
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