We are currently working with the ASU Stardust Center in a study of the effect of high capacity transit on urban and community life in the City of Phoenix, Arizona.
The goal is of the project is to develop a stakeholder engagement process the allows for the many perspective to be integrated to a successful and sustainable solution the meets the need and wants of current and future Phoenix residents living in a dynamic urban environment
The final deliverables for this project will include examples of urban design development sceneries, policy recommendations, sustainability guidelines, finance mechanisms needed for success, mixed and affordable housing strategies, and the development of public and private stakeholder engagement processes that is necessary for success.
The project calls for a documentary video, presentation and community engagement process designed to inform audiences on the issues, opportunities and potential transformational effects of recent federal policies and new directions in transit oriented development.
The documentary video in addition to a presentation will be used to obtain 50 million in funding in the form of public and private grants and investments that will make actionable improvements to the urban environment of downtown Phoenix possible.
We would like to hold a small focus group with you and other residents to better understand your unique perspective and include them into the presentation.
Please feel free to call me anytime as I am sure you have many questions.
Thank you,
Matt Krise
Source: Studio 1To1
Phoenix Central Neighborhood Association will provide details from Studio 1To1 upon receipt.
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