“It’s been another incredible year for METRO,” said CEO Steve Banta. “Riders continue to use our service in record numbers despite the difficult economy and service reductions in July. 2011 is likely to bring similar financial challenges and they will be met by keeping a customer focus and an eye for where efficiencies can be gained.”
Other notable highlights of 2010:
· METRO has carried nearly 24 million riders over its first two years of operation.
· Reduced number of collisions by more than 50 percent vs. 2009.
· Generated $335,000 in system advertising revenue since program inception in Oct. 2009.
· Installed shade canopies at the 19th Ave. and Central/Camelback park-and-rides.
· Renewed the partnership with US Airways Center and Phoenix Suns to allow event tickets to serve as light rail pass.
· Entered the design phase on the Central Mesa light rail extension to downtown Mesa.
· Received local and regional approval of 2.6-miles of streetcar in the Mill Ave. corridor in Tempe.
· Moved forward with the South Central Feasibility Study in Phoenix.
For more detailed information on METRO 2010 ridership, click here for the annual ridership report.
METRO is responsible for the development and operation of the region’s high-capacity transit system. The first 20-mile light rail line opened December 2008 and served 12.6 million riders in 2010, exceeding the prior year by 11 percent. METRO serves an average of 39,335 riders per weekday. It is also planning for six extensions that will create a 57-mile system by 2031.
Source: Metro Light Rail
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