Thursday, July 23, 2009

Transit agencies to be honored for accessibility efforts

METRO light rail and Valley Metro are honored to be the shared recipients of the 2009 ADA Liberty Progress Award. The award will be presented by the Arizona Disability Advocacy Coalition (AzDAC) this Friday, July 24.

The ADA Liberty Progress Award is granted to a community organization or advocate whose intent and actions embrace the accessibility, inclusion and advancement of Arizonans with disabilities. METRO and Valley Metro were selected as this year’s recipients for involving passengers with disabilities in the design, development and execution of Valley transit services.

METRO included people with disabilities in every step of its implementation including the planning, construction and start-up phases. METRO utilized an ADA Advisory Board, made up of representatives from all disability groups, to assist in the development of ADA-compliant design. METRO Community Advisory Boards provided opportunities for feedback and access to staff during construction for people with disabilities to voice their concerns and have any issues addressed.

Valley Metro involves the input of passengers with disabilities in the design or retrofit of transit vehicles; has a customer service department that is knowledgeable of disability related needs; and provides fixed route training specifically for passengers with disabilities.

This award and others will be presented at AzDAC’s annual awards program – this year titled “Coming Full Circle: Getting Back to the Original Intent of the ADA” – on Friday at the Arizona state capital. This program is celebrated annually in conjunction with the anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act; 2009 marks the Act’s 19th anniversary.

For more on this program and its host organization, please contact Tony DiRienzi, AzDAC chairman, at (602) 262-2900 or

Source: Metro Light Rail

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